Welcome to Travelhack, a site providing the inside information on resources, tools, and ideas used by the most intelligent travelers. I never had the time or resources to take the trips around the world I dreamed about. This never stopped me from finding ‘hacks’ to help live out the adventures and trips I craved. I have spent years talking to travel industry insiders and doing research to compile the most useful information possible to get the best travel experiences with minimal resources.
After using the information I provide on this site, I feel I could write a short novel on some of the adventures that took place on a each of the trips I have been on. I am not someone satisfied with the status quo when traveling. I like to get the most out of every experience I encounter around the world. I may not have always made the best decisions on some of my trips, but luckily I have come out unscathed and with a good story. I am writing this site not only to get my thoughts and ideas into an organized format, but also to give others the means to take the best trips possible in pretty much any chosen destination.
My Philosophy:
Build a new lifestyle – We weren’t made to spend our entire lives taking anxiety pills in a cubicle. Set a goal of where you want to go on vacation or live, and I’ll help you get there using the least amount of resources possible.
Get the most out of your trips – There is more to going on a vacation than booking a package through your agent and lounging by the pool the entire week. Learn how to get the best deals, have unusual adventures, find an exotic lover, or get the most useful tools to bring about the best memories imaginable.
Why read this site?
I feel there are too many travel resources out there with low quality information drudged together with a search or two on google. I want to help take your trips to the next level and provide you with the best information available to hack your travel. I have applied these tools and resources to create my most memorable exploits around the world. If you are someone looking for highly valuable travel information for any trip, check out the articles on this site.
Let me know if you have any suggestions for post topics you would like to see on the site. I appreciate any comments and feedback you leave. If you like an article, please submit it to your favorite social networking site.